Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some Things May Change

Vol 3 No 25 THEO'S DEVOS

Proverbs 21:2 People may think they are doing what is right, but the LORD examines the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

We have noted, over the last couple weeks, that some things must never change and some things must change. We have come to this week to note that some things may change. This is where some of the trouble occurs in our lives and in the church. They say that variety is the spice of life. I believe that and I also believe that if nothing changes in our lives we can become bored and restless. I used to think that change for the sake of change was not good. I no longer hold that position. I honestly believe that change is not only important, but essential. If nothing has changed for a while it is a good idea to look for something to do differently if only to keep your life from getting monotonous.
A very helpful activity was introduced to me many years ago and it has proven to be very beneficial. On each of my birthdays, I have searched for some activity that I had never done before and dedicated the next year to it. I have learned to play several musical instruments, taken up ballooning among many others which enhanced both my life and my ministry. Did you ever notice that the Bible doesn't specify what every Christian should do? God has given us all a gift but He has never said exactly how we were to use it. Over a lifetime there could be many applications of the spiritual gifts God gave you and, if you use them for His glory, they are all profitable. If you want to be a missionary, for instance, it doesn't matter where you go as long as you exercise your gifts when you get there.. Some may have solid reasons for doing what they are doing and others are doing what they love doing but each will be in the center of God's will if you are applying biblical principals to those activities.
What are you doing these days? Is it fulfilling? Is it accomplishing God's will for your life? Unless you can answer 'yes' you probably ought to be thinking about a change in your life.
Following God is to 'be' not simply to 'do.' We are human beings, not human doings. If you are sincerely following the will of God in your life in terms of what you are on the inside, you can do whatever you want on the outside and it will glorify God. In His sovereignty, God will use your efforts to accomplish His will and goals and you will have had a part in that.
God looks on the heart while man looks on the outside.


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

QUICK QUESTION: Was there ever a time when you were singled out for some honor no matter how small? How did you feel?

1.When God looked for Samuel, what was he (Sam) doing?

2.Why did Samuel think that Eliab might be the chosen one?

3.What was God's response?

4.What does God concern Himself with?

5.Why did Samuel go over each son?

6.When considering leadership, what should we look for in those leaders?

REFLECTION: Is there someone in you life about whom you have been influenced by their outer appearance and should you re-evaluate how you feel about them now?

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