Thursday, February 19, 2009



John 14:1 1“Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me.

Talk about powerful words. Here we have, perhaps, the most powerful group of words ever written. Ten words and yet so much depth and meaning – and challenge. Jesus spoke these words to a group of men who were getting very nervous. They had invested their lives in Him and now were wondering what was about to happen. He seemed to be saying that He was going somewhere and that they weren't going with Him for the first time. They were going to be alone. Does that sound familiar to you. Jesus was saying something to them that would resound down through history to right where you are. So where are you? At home? At work? And how do you feel about tomorrow? Are you confident that everything will be the same as it is today.

There is one very nice lady that reads Theo's Devos that thought that way just a few days ago. And then, out of the blue, God decided to take her dear husband home to be with him. Someone that everyone loved but none so much as this woman. If you talk to her she can tell you that tomorrow is not a given. You don't know what will happen even later today, let alone so far ahead as tomorrow. And I am absolutely certain that many others who are reading these words could echo that same thought. Don't take tomorrow for granted, especially in these crazy days. What company is going to call their employees together tomorrow and tell them that they are shutting the doors and everyone is being let go. If that happens, will there be a severance or will you get nothing. Thousands of people out of work. Engineers working at Wendy's. It is not a nice picture.

So where do you go for confidence? Who do you trust? Our verse, in those ten short words, gives us the answer that has held for over two thousand years and is as true for you as it was for those nervous men who heard them uttered. Trust in Jesus! Trust in God and trust in Jesus. It really is as simple as that. You don't have to beat yourself with flails or crawl on your knees for miles to appease some sadistic god. No, you simply have to believe that He, God, Jesus, is there and looking out for you and no matter what some person, or group of persons, does, He is still in control. Of everything. Of your life and this country.

Incidentally you must know that the word pro means forward and therefore progress means to move forward. So is con means to go against or negative movement then what do you think the basic meaning of Congress should be. Just something to think about. You see, it doesn't matter what our government does or doesn't do. You are in the hands of God and He knows your situation and has since before the creation of all that is. Please talk to Him and let Him know how you feel and discuss your hopes and dreams with Him. Then move forward and keep trusting in Jesus. It will make all the difference in the world when something crashes around you. When all is said and done, you will be found standing, supported by the God who is there and who loves you. He may use other Christians as supports but He will be there and you will know Him better and be better prepared for eternity which is really what this life is all about.

May God bless you today.


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read:

QUICK QUESTION: What is the scariest thing that is happening in the world today, in your opinion?

  1. Why was Jesus concerned about his disciples when He said these words?

  2. Where was Jesus going?

  3. What is God's house like as described in these verses?

  4. What did Jesus say He was going to do for them?

  5. What did Jesus promise them?

  6. Why would it be hard for the disciples to manage without Jesus there?

REFLECTION: Is there anything you could share with the group that would be helped if they prayed for you? Something for which trusting Jesus may not be easily done.

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