Mark 4:40 And he asked them, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still not have faith in me?”
A long time ago while I was still a youth pastor, I preached a sermon that spoke of the disciples and I refered to them as 'guys.' Now the reason I used that term was that I had attended several Promise Keeper rallies where they had the word qutie often and it sort of stuck in my head. The next day, the senior pastor who had a very high reverence for all the people of the Bible, pulled me aside and told me that I should not refer to them as 'guys.' I don't remember if he gave any significant reason for that criticism but it was implied that things Biblical should be spoken of in loftier terms. I suppose he is not alone in that thought. In my humble opinion he could not have been more wrong and, in fact, caused some severe problems for our congregation because of that concept.
We must get something straight here if we are going to follow the teaching of scripture. The people of the Bible were ordinary men and women. They were not special in any way. They were people just like you and me. Please do not raise them up to some lofty level and then think that you could never walk in their shoes. If God called you to do something, you could do it as well as Moses. If you think that you couldn't you would still be like him because that was his lame excuse in the beginning as well.
In our verse for today we see the disciples in a boat when a storm came up. It was a fierce storm and they were very afraid. They looked around to see where Jesus was and found him asleep in the back. When they woke him up he simply told the storm to quiet down and then looked at these ragamuffin 'guys' and asked them why they were so afraid. Note the next words: “Do you still not have faith'
They did not have the faith that Jesus wanted them to have. Stop for a minute and think. Do you experience fear? Do you have times where you have a lack of faith? Well then you are in great company because even these men who walked and talked with Jesus, who saw the miracles, who were taught ditectly by him, lacked the faith that they should have had.
What is it that you need right now, no matter what your circumstance? What is the one thing that could make tomorrow a brighter day and help you to calm down regardless of how bad things might really be around you? Faith! Remember what faith is at its core? To risk believing that Jesus, God, is in control. To understand that nothing happens apart from His directive or permissive will and that you are invulnerable unless He allows you to be attacked and, when that happens, it is always for a greater reason even if you never know what that reason is. If it were any different it would not be faith. Read Hebrews 13, the great faith chapter of the Bible and see how many people took steps of faith and many, if not all of them, never saw the fulfillment of that faith.
Some of you are hurting right now. Some of you are worried about the economy or family matters. Those guys back in that boat would be experincing the same feelings if they were in your shoes right now so don't beat yourself up over it. Just talk to yourself for a minute and ask yourself what would Jesus say to you right now if He were standing, or sitting, next to you? I think you might hear Him ask you; Where is your faith? Is faith of any help to you right now?
When they started out in that boat, Jesus said “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” He didn't say 'Let's go half way and drown.' If they had simply listened to what He had said, and they had faith in Him, they would not have cared if a storm came up. They would have held on and let the boat rock. But note this! Even though they did not have the faith that Jesus expected them to have, He did not let them drown. He calmed the storm and they were safe. You may be in the middle of a storm right now and it may not be letting up but Jesus will calm that storm even if it is only in your heart so you can ride it out no matter how bad it gets. People around you will see the storm too but they may never see that your faith is giving you a peace inside and an assurance that you are safe with God. Have faith! You are walking with God. Jesus is there right where you are in the same way that He was with those guys in the boat. He will not leave you by yourself. You will never be alone.
May God impress these thoughts on your mind today and bless you with them.
Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)
Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You
Please Read: Mark 4:35-41
QUICK QUESTION: What 'storm' of life have you been through that really scared you?
Who else was on that lake with Jesus and the disciples?
Talk about this scene and describe the events that led up to the disciples waking Jesus.
Do you think that Jesus went to sleep in order to test the disciples? Or was He simply tired.
Why do you think that the verse says that Jesus 'rebuked' the wind?
What was the reaction of the men to Jesus command to the storm?
What do you think Jesus might say about the things that you fear the most today?
REFLECTION: Is there one thing that your group could pray for you about this week? One storm that is keeping you from exercising the faith that you know God wants you to have?