Luke 2:8-10 That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. 9Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, 10but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!
By now I suppose most of you have heard about controversy over the sign placed next to a Nativity scene in the Washington State House. It has created quite an uproar since it was placed there by a group of atheists and it proclaims a diatribe against people of faith in God. I won't repeat what it says here but it does lay out the atheist position that organized religion is a 'myth' that 'hardens hearts.' Now we know that 'religion' is not a great word. There has been serious damage done by 'religions' in the name of God. The word means 'to bind back' and all religions teach some form of trying to get back to God. That is why I have often said that Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with the God who did not wait for us to come to Him but reached out to us in the form of a child, Jesus, to save us from our sin.
Having said that, it is obvious that I am no fan of 'religions.' However, at least religious people are willing to admit that there is a God or god. They have reacted correctly to the creation around them. Even agnostics do not go so far as to deny God. But atheists do. Now my question for them is: as a result of becoming an atheist, what joy have you produced? What national holidays have you given us to celebrate a better future? The truth is quite the opposite. If they had their way our streets wouod be dark at Christmas time. There would be no Christmas. No parties. No manger scenes. No presents around the tree. I say this with no intended disrespect but atheists do live in a cold, barren world. They have no hope for the future and no real reason to celebrate life. For them, a death in the family is a great tragedy for which there is no reason to rejoice. I could go on with this but I think you catch my meaning.
However, our verse for today catches a glimpse of why we Christians celebrate the Christmas holiday. Can you imagine what it must have been like to be a shepherd out in that field when the angel appeared to them? At first they were frightened out of their minds and rightly so. But the Angel was quick to reassure them that they had no reason to fear. “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!” they said. Great joy they said. That is the result of what God did when He sent Jesus to earth. He gave us reason to have great joy. Not the great sadness you can expect at an atheist funeral. Great joy.
Do you have great joy today? Have you trusted that Jesus Christ came, lived, and died on that cross to pay for your sins and mine? If you have then you know the meaning of great joy. You have no fear of death. You know that God loves you and can see His love in your life daily when you look for it. If you have not, then now would be a great time to trust in Him. Believe that Jesus died for you. Trust in the sacrifice that He made so you could have a relationship with God. It could make this Christmas different from all the others in the past. I trust that you are getting excited about the celebration of Jesus' birth. Oh, and don't worry about the signs that atheists put up. They are advertising for us without realizing it. No God, no hope. No God, no true joy. BUT “Hark the herald angels sing...” They sure do.
Here is a last minute addition sent to me by a good friend in Texas, Bob Holmes. If you haven't seen this about the 13 year old boy who called in to a Christian radio station you need to right now. Thanks Bob.
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