Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Vol 2 No 47 THEO'S DEVOS

John 1:3 He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t make.

Where are you right now? At home? Work? Take a moment and look around you. What do you see? Does it strike you as rather mundane? Just the stuff of life? Or do you see the touch of God? If not, maybe you are not looking close enough. What will you be doing later today? Climbing a mountain? Sitting on a surfboard? Filing reports? Maybe watching football like I will be. In the middle of all this normal life we can easily miss some very important things. You know the old saying that we need to slow down and smell the roses? Well, when you do that, remember who made them. The same one who made all that there is: Jesus.

Our verse for the day, taken in its context, tells us that it was, and is, Jesus who makes everything. You were made by Him and so was the paper clip you will use at some point in your life. Oh, you say that some man made the perperclip. Sorry but that guy simply assembled that paper clip out of the materials that God made. I am told that the scientists all got together one day and decided that, if there was a god, they no longer needed Him. So they assigned one of their own to go to g/God and tell Him that man no longer required Him. The scientist bowed down and said. “God we no longer need you.” Startled he heard a reply: “Fine, if you can make a person out of dirt, I will go away.” The scientist agreed and went outside. When he knelt down to scoop up some dirt he heard the words: “Oh no, get your own dirt.”

That apocryphal tale illuminates the reality that when you swim, you swim in God's water. When you eat, you eat God's food. Not Bhuda's food, the almighty God's food. Not Allah's food, but Jehovah God's food. When you fly, you fly in a plane assembled with material that Jesus provided us. Now look up and see the sky, the clouds. If it is at night the moon and the stars. Jesus made them as well. Get a microscope and delve into the innerwokings of a plant. There is Jesus' handiwork. From the subatomic particle to the universe, Jesus gets the credit for its existence.

So, when you think about it, thank God for the breath you take. He gave the air to you to breathe. It is His way of saying, among many others, “I love you.” Three of the most powerful words in the English language and words that appear in one of the most important verses in, not only the Bible, but in any book ever written. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” Yes eternal life. It appears that Jesus is capable of more then mere life. He can give eternal life.

Have you believed in Him? Do you trust that Jesus died on that cross for your sins and mine? If not, why not trust Him right now. Tell Him that you no longer trust in yourself to get you to heaven but that you believe that His death on that cross saved you from your sin and that, when He rose from the grave that He proved His power over death. Believe in your risen Lord and it will change your life and fill you with His presence. May God bless you all.


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