Vol 2 No 41 THEO'S DEVOS
PSALM 50:1 I don’t need the bulls you sacrifice;
I don’t need the blood of goats.
14 What I want instead is your true thanks to God;
I want you to fulfill your vows to the Most High.
This week millions of people will gather together for Thanksgiving. They may not know it but, when they do, they will be observing an activity that warms the heart of God. We do a lot of things and often believe that God is happy when we do them. You know like attend church services, sing hymns, pray and other well intended activities. Now don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with doing these things. In fact God is moved when we do. But we must understand that you can do those things and not have a heart that is aligned with God.
Our verse implies that Thanksgiving is a sacrifice but not like the sacrifices we normally think of. A sacrifice is something that costs. It takes effort. God puts a lot of emphasis on thanksgiving throughout the Bible. Have you ever wondered why? The answer to that question is that in order to be thankful you have to have received something. Someone has given you something and you are thanful for it. The fact is that, every day, you receive something from God. The fact that you are breathing right now is because God gave you breath.
This does not mean that you should go through life being thankful simply because you are told to. Have you ever met people who have a simple smile on their face and act thankful when, in your heart, it seems so insincere? Some people are just good actors. They can't paint a smile on ther face and pretend really well. Not does God expect you to be thankful for bad things. He doesn't expect you to say “Oh I am so thankful that my car was totalled last week. And thank God my son ran away from home.” No, that is not the things that God wants us to be thankful for. It isn't those kinds of things that are reasons for thankfulness. However, those kinds of things can reveal a God who cares for us and can strengthen us on the inside in spite of what is going on around us and we can be thankful for that. In the middle of the worst catastrophe there will always be something for which we can be thankful to God..
When we look for reasons to be thanful, no matter what the circumstance, we “ fulfill your vows to the Most High.” You see a vow is something you make freely of your own volition and when you are thankful to God it fulfills a vow to Him. If you have trusted God as your savior, you know in your heart that you are endebted to Him. How do you pay that debt? You can't. The closest you will get to paying Him back is to look for Him in your life and thank Him when you see His fingerprints. Where are they? Open your eyes, look around. He has given you life, friends, family. He loves you more than you can imagine. Thank Him for that love. This Thanksgiving be sure to let someone else know that you are thankful to God for what you have and where you are headed. Someday you will be glad you did. Do you have email? Then send an email to someone special and give them something to be extremely thankful for.
May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving. I trust it will be an excellent day for you.