Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Who Are You?

Vol 2 No 29 THEO'S DEVOS

Psalm 8:3-4 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you have set in place—
4 what are mortals that you should think of us,
mere humans that you should care for us?

Who are you? I hear Christians all the time speak as though they meant very little in the scheme of things. False humility can often make us seem as though there were not much to us. After all without God we can do nothing. With Him all things are possible. But the verses we look at today imply that God holds us with great value to Him. You are important enough to Him that He sent His only Son into this sin sick world to sacrifice His life so that you might gain eternal life. A popular hymn asks if God would give Himself for 'such a worm as I.?” The answer is – Yes He would and He did.

This means that your life has eternal significance. You are not an accident of birth. It is wrong to talk about unborn babies as a mere fetus as though it was unimportant tissue that can be discarded at will. I think the only thing that bothers me about those of us who are concerned about animals, and we should be, is that many of them care little for unborn people. Here you have person that would spend millions to save a whale and think nothing of allowing a doctor to perform a late term abortion because it presents and inconvenience to the mother. This breaks my heart.

God thought about you before you were born. He has something that He wants to accomplish in and through you. When you act as though you mean very little in this life, you demean God's creation. It is not that you can take credit for the things that happen,. We give Him the glory and credit but many go so far as to not even try to do things for God thinking that they have nothing to contribute.

I saw a young boy deep in the rain forest of Venezuela who did nothing more, all day, than break up clods of dirt into smaller pieces so that they can be used for paste in building a home for a missionary. The boy was dying of a rare disease and didn't have long to live. But, with what life he had, he willingly knelt on the rain forest floor and did what looked like meaningless work for the glory of God because he was so happy the God had sent that missionary with the gospel to his people. Now that young boy may not want any credit for doing that but I believe in giving honor where it is deserved and that boy deserved honor, I am certain.

Look around you. What are you doing today? Does anything you do have eternal consequences. I believe that everything you do does. People are watching you. They need to know what life is like with Jesus as King. They need to know what a child of God looks like and how that child acts. When you do a random act of kindness, you do it in God's name. He will be blessed, or cursed, by others often based on what you do. We are called to live as testimonies for God. We do that because God loves us and cares for us even though we appear to be insignificant pieces of dust in the universe.

What are mortals that you should think of us? Souls for whom Jesus died. Lives that God loves and want to have a relationship with. When you go to work tomorrow, or whatever you do, remember that God loves you, lives in you and wants to love through you. Spread that love around to the people you meet. Let them know that God loves them. Let them know that their lives have meaning and that they are not mere accidents. Hold you head up. Live like the child of the King that you are. Smile and think about how much God loves you, then offer that love to others in His name.

I am praying for you. I am asking God to bless you and help you realize that you are not a 'worm.' I ask Him every day to help you realize that you are walking with Him. I pray that today is the best day you have had in a long time. God bless you.


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