Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Viruous Mother

Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. 11Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. 12She will not hinder him but help him all her life.

We have just celebrated Mother's Day and whenever I think of that day I think of Proverbs 31, Now I realize that no one is perfect but I honestly believe that our Mothers have all, perhaps without knowing it, tried to be a Proverbs 31 woman. That may explain why we are all so drawn to our Moms. Do you know that in prisons across the country the prison store will run out of Mother's Day cards because so many inmates will write to their Mothers. Now it is sad but when Father's Day comes I am told that hardly any inmate will bother to purchase a card. We Dad's must come to grips with the fact that, by and large, we take a serious back seat to the Moms when it comes to the hearts of our children.

In any event I felt that it was a good thing to remember our mothers in these Devos because we owe so much to them. They paid a price to bring us into the world in more ways than most of us will ever know. The way a woman looks is very important to her but motherhood can tremendously alter a woman's body. She knows it and will try to compensate for it but even if she is virtually disfigured for life it will not deter her from loving and raising that son or daughter with all the love she has. Her daily life will be changed forever. She will not be able to sleep through the night caring for the child. As the child grows she will feel like her heart is walking around outside her body. She will gladly give her life for that boy or girl even if they give her nothing but grief.

To love and honor our mother is a command from God. He desires that she receive great respect from her children and she deserves all of it. You never get to old to be cared for by that wonderful woman and I hope and pray that you let her know how much you love her; not just on Mother's Day but all through the year.

When our mothers get older they often need our care. This can be very difficult and painful but I believe that it reveals the kind of people we are by how we care for our mothers. I have often counseled young ladies when they are being courted by a young man to watch how he treats his mother because that is the way he will treat her after several years of marriage. God loves mothers whether they have born their own children or are raising adopted ones. The years spent investing in a young life is worth all the effort. That the Bible would devote an entire chapter to a virtuous woman tells us just how important that is to God.
So to all those Mom's out there I send my humble appreciation. Thank you for investing in the next generation. I hope that you feel love from those children you raised and please remember that God loves you in a very special way. He will care for you and you can count on Him even if those children do not show that appreciation you deserve.


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