Psalm 48:14 For this God is our God for ever and ever;
he will be our guide even to the end
The US Census Bureau just told me that they want me to work for them in the next phase of the census. They said that I had done a good job and they want me to stay with them. Now in order to do that good job I had a very valuable helper. I have a GPS for my car. This device allows me to find any address anywhere and find the quickest route. By having this I am able to quickly find the addresses I have to map. I can get more done than someone just using a map. However, two days ago it developed a problem. I turned it on and it could not acquire the satellite. Without being able to contact the satellite circling the earth it is rendered useless. Everything else works fine and the thing does all kinds of extra stuff.
The problem is that I didn't buy the GPS to play music or look at pictures or convert currency. I bought it for one reason: to locate addresses. Since it cannot do that right now, it has to be sent back and replaced. I have no idea why it can't acquire a satellite. If you were to look at it, you would say that it looks OK. All the controls work but something inside does not function properly and it has been cut off from the source of its purpose.
Our verse today tells us that, spiritually we, as Christians have a built in GPS that leads us through life. God guides us and He is there for ever and ever. So, if that is true, and it is, why do we get off track and end up places that we know God does not want us to be. The answer is to know how this spiritual GPS works. What is it that connects us to the source of our guidance?
There are two parts to this answer. First is God's Word. Without access to His book we cut ourselves off from the map that we need to walk the path God desires for us. We need to read and study the map. My GPS does that first of all. It loads the right maps so it can find the locations that I ask it for. Without those maps I is useless. But my GPS does that, or at least it tells me that it loads them. So what else could be wrong? That is the second thing: prayer. Prayer, talking to God when He is not physically present, is the connection that plugs us into the source of our guidance. If we do not pray, we cut ourselves off from the pipeline that delivers the information to us. When we pray, God can bring the concepts of scripture, the truth that He wants us to know, so that it can lead and guide us into making the right decisions that will take us along the proper path in life.
Many Christians seem to think that everything will go right without having any contact with the Bible and without praying. This is a critical mistake. The only way that God can lead you if that is your plan, is to let you make mistake upon mistake and learn the hard way. But even if that is the path you take, you still cannot get going in the right direction without reading scripture and praying. The mistakes will just pile up and after years of living like that, you may find that there is no way to accomplish all that God had in store for you. It is very important that you begin to connect to your spiritual source as quickly as you can. Begin reading your Bible and praying to your Father so that your spiritual GPS will function properly. If you do, you will discover that life is not as difficult as it has seemed to be. This is not to promise that life will be smooth with no bumps but it is to say that it can be smoother than it has been.
May God bless you as you keep in touch with Him. I am praying for you.
Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)
Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You
Please Read: Psalm 48
QUICK QUESTION: Do you have protection for your house and, if so, what kind? Does it make you feel safe?
What is this writer primarily trying to say?
What causes God's people to give thanks to God?
What is so important about the city of Zion?
How does the Paalm end?
What does this Psalm tell you about God's power?
Why does the phrase, “God has no grandchildren” ring true?
REFLECTION: For what would you like to praise God this week?