Psalm 51:1,2 Have mercy on me, O God,
because of your unfailing love.
Because of your great compassion,
blot out the stain of my sins.
As we pass through this life we can oftentimes feel as though we have failed God. Not being perfect, we fall short of what He expects of us and of what we expect of ourselves. This can put pressure on us even though we may not notice it. Personally, I usually fail to recognize stress until something happens, like I get sick or my blood pressure shoots up. Other people recognize stress much quicker and I am not sure which is better. My problem is to be blissfully ignorant of the stresses and go through life as though everything is fine when it may not be. To be too much in tune with stress can make one depressed much of the time and that isn't good either.
Our problem is that we are human. I know, why didn't someone tell you sooner. Well it is true and, because of that, you will always wrestle with stress. Now it is not my intention here to minimize sin. Not do I want to encourage you to dismiss stress. What is important is that we all recognize it for what it is and handle it properly. It is in doing so that one of the secrets of the Christian life is revealed. You can try to handle life at the human level or you can reach into the spiritual realm and call for help there.
David was very in tune with his sins and he recognized the stress in his life. He also knew that he could not handle it. Did you know that? Did you know that you were not put together in such a way as to handle stress? You can't do it. You were not meant to do it and all the counseling in the world will not correct that. There is a serious limit to what counselors can do. There are techniques that people use to lessen the stress and you may be using one, or more, of them but sin will always plague you and the stress of life will always be there. It can cause you to do drastic things that only add to the stress.
David knew where his salvation came from. He knew that only God can deal with the stress and weight of sin that we humans bow down under. He reminds himself many times, in the Psalms, that the solution lies with God.
It is important that you fix your heart on the truth of today's verses. In turning to God and confessing you sins to him, you can go on without the burden of stress weighing you down. This is not to say that it is fine to just go on sinning and dumping them on God. However it is to say that there is no sin that God cannot forgive except the denial of him as your savior. Once you have accepted the salvation that Jesus offers through faith in the work He did on the cross, all the rest of our sin is forgiven and gone. It may take many times of reminding yourself of this fact, is did for David, but, eventually, you will see the things that accompany stress lessen over time. You will understand the depth of God's love and that will make all the difference in the world for you.
When you pray remember to thank Him for His unfailing love in spite of your failures. The more you pray, the more your mind will lock on to that truth and the stress you experience will lessen its grip. There is a solution to the human dilemma. It just doesn't lie with our humanity, it lies with God.
May He bless you today as you follow Him.
Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)
Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You
Please Read:
QUICK QUESTION: In what ways does our society look down on Christianity today?
How did the psalmist look at sin?
How is forgiveness looked at here?
What did the psalmist want from God?
What does God want?
How should we view sin? Forgiveness?
How important is forgiveness to salvation?
REFLECTION: How can those around you help you to follow God's lead this week?