Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Vol 3 No 18 THEO'S DEVOS

Psalm 51:1,2 Have mercy on me, O God,

because of your unfailing love.

Because of your great compassion,

blot out the stain of my sins.

As we pass through this life we can oftentimes feel as though we have failed God. Not being perfect, we fall short of what He expects of us and of what we expect of ourselves. This can put pressure on us even though we may not notice it. Personally, I usually fail to recognize stress until something happens, like I get sick or my blood pressure shoots up. Other people recognize stress much quicker and I am not sure which is better. My problem is to be blissfully ignorant of the stresses and go through life as though everything is fine when it may not be. To be too much in tune with stress can make one depressed much of the time and that isn't good either.

Our problem is that we are human. I know, why didn't someone tell you sooner. Well it is true and, because of that, you will always wrestle with stress. Now it is not my intention here to minimize sin. Not do I want to encourage you to dismiss stress. What is important is that we all recognize it for what it is and handle it properly. It is in doing so that one of the secrets of the Christian life is revealed. You can try to handle life at the human level or you can reach into the spiritual realm and call for help there.

David was very in tune with his sins and he recognized the stress in his life. He also knew that he could not handle it. Did you know that? Did you know that you were not put together in such a way as to handle stress? You can't do it. You were not meant to do it and all the counseling in the world will not correct that. There is a serious limit to what counselors can do. There are techniques that people use to lessen the stress and you may be using one, or more, of them but sin will always plague you and the stress of life will always be there. It can cause you to do drastic things that only add to the stress.

David knew where his salvation came from. He knew that only God can deal with the stress and weight of sin that we humans bow down under. He reminds himself many times, in the Psalms, that the solution lies with God.

It is important that you fix your heart on the truth of today's verses. In turning to God and confessing you sins to him, you can go on without the burden of stress weighing you down. This is not to say that it is fine to just go on sinning and dumping them on God. However it is to say that there is no sin that God cannot forgive except the denial of him as your savior. Once you have accepted the salvation that Jesus offers through faith in the work He did on the cross, all the rest of our sin is forgiven and gone. It may take many times of reminding yourself of this fact, is did for David, but, eventually, you will see the things that accompany stress lessen over time. You will understand the depth of God's love and that will make all the difference in the world for you.

When you pray remember to thank Him for His unfailing love in spite of your failures. The more you pray, the more your mind will lock on to that truth and the stress you experience will lessen its grip. There is a solution to the human dilemma. It just doesn't lie with our humanity, it lies with God.

May He bless you today as you follow Him.


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read:

QUICK QUESTION: In what ways does our society look down on Christianity today?

  1. How did the psalmist look at sin?

  2. How is forgiveness looked at here?

  3. What did the psalmist want from God?

  4. What does God want?

  5. How should we view sin? Forgiveness?

  6. How important is forgiveness to salvation?

REFLECTION: How can those around you help you to follow God's lead this week?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prosperity and Adversity

Vol 3 No 17 THEO'S DEVOS

Ecclesiastes 7:14 Enjoy prosperity while you can. But when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. That way you will realize that nothing is certain in this life.

Many of you are experiencing some adversity in the middle of this economic mess. I know of some who have lost jobs and can't find work. Others have lost health insurance. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that everything that happens to us comes from God. Now, although that is hard to handle, it also is comforting to know that behind these things is an eternal purpose in which we are involved. We may not know until we get to be with God at the end of life, what that purpose was but I believe it will all have been worth it, no matter what life dishes out in the here and now.

It is also good that the verse includes prosperity because we can always hope that God has some of that in mind for us before we pass on. One of the incredible things about the church that has always been true, is that it is the one place in our society where the haves and the have nots congregate. In fact that is one of the reasons that churchgoers used to, and some still do, 'dress up' for church meetings. The origin of that custom was not to please God but to impress others. Today, of course, it is often hard to tell the well off from the poor because many congregations do not have a dress code and everyone dresses down. I have no problem with that as long as it not done in disrespect.

Years ago a young man came into my office to apologize for not attending the worship services. He felt the need to explain that he had lost his construction job over a year ago, and had gained some weight so that his suits did not fit and he could not afford to buy a new one. He did not feel that he could dress appropriately. I looked him in the eye and implored him to reconsider. I would rather see him with us in rags than think that he was not good enough to attend. If a dress code is important, than there will be an increasing lack of attendance as many more people find themselves in the position of this young man.

So hard times are striking and they may last for a while. Add in the need for all of us to chip in more money in taxes to keep the world from melting in the global warming thing (back in the seventies it was global cooling, they can't seem to make up their mind). What is true is that, if we Christians can stick together and help each other out when necessary, the hard times may not be as hard but if we all go at it on our own they could get much worse. I highly suggest that church leaders prepare for ways the members of their congregations could help each other if, and when it is needed. If every church develops a strategy as to how this could be done, we just may see a purpose for God allowing it to happen. He just may be giving us the impetus to gather and work together.

Wouldn't it be great to see Christians all over the country turn hard times into prosperity? Let's all pray that God will lead us in that way. My prayers are with you and your families and your churches. Let me know if you have specific requests. God bless you all.

Just a little while ago you may have heard of Susan Boyles on Britain Has Talent. It was amazing. Did you see Paul Potts, a year ago on the same show. If you missed it, here it is. Looks can be deceiving.

If you somehow missed Susan here she is:


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read: Ecclesiastes 7:1-14

QUICK QUESTION: Has this economic downturn affected you and, if so, how?

  1. How is a house of mourning better than a feast?

  2. What do you think we should be doing during these hard times?

  3. What did Solomon liken 'wisdom' to?

  4. Of what value is patience these days?

  5. When were the 'good 'ol days? Why were they so good?

REFLECTION: How can we pray for you this week?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Vol 3 No 16 THEO'S DEVOS

Psalm 139:16 You saw me before I was born.

Every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid out

before a single day had passed.

We have just celebrated Easter. Perhaps you have noticed that these Devos do not follow the church year. That is I do not always design them around the church calendar. I prefer to just follow my heart and my searching of God's Word to decide what to reflect on each week. One thing I do know is that Jesus saw me when He hung on that cross as He did you. The moments of our lives intersected with that moment in His life as He paid for your sin and mine. I will comment on that another day. For now I am on a different topic.

How great is your faith? Do you have any growing to do in that area? I know that I do. I rather doubt that there is anyone who ever lived, with the exception of Jesus, who went to his, or her, death having exercised all the faith that they could. Our verses today bring this to light. They are extremely precious to me and I hope they are to you as well.

According to my research, the words “before I was born” actually could be translated: “my rolled up substance.” In other words it is a word picture of what you looked like in your mother's womb. So the words here, 'before I was born' are accurate. And notice the words that follow: ' Every day of my life was recorded in your book.' The psalmist goes further when he says; 'Every moment was laid out.' This is not the same as saying that He simply knew the days of our lives. He is saying that they were 'laid out,' they were planned. Wow! God designed my life. Now I have talked to some of you and I understand that this doctrine is difficult for you to grasp. I have been told that some do not like it. That you would prefer to believe that God did not design this life you lead but simply works with it and can bring about His end no matter what you decide. The problem is that this psalmist is telling us that God is in control of even the smallest details of your life and the only thing that stops you and me from believing it is the strength of our faith.

If your faith is strong enough to allow God's sovereignty to extend to the smallest detail of your life, something wonderful happens. In the middle of any circumstance you can find the rest and peace of God. This is not the most comfortable time of my life. Most of my professional life has been more stable. When I semi retired and moved to Oregon, I traded in somewhat predictable days for ones of tremendous uncertainty. I have had more jobs since I have been in Oregon than I have had in the rest of my life. Companies moving to Manila or losing their contract or just being temporary. I am working for the US Census now and it will only last two months and I will be looking for a job again. I can tell you that I do not operate very well like this. Not knowing whether there will be a job for me, or not, is very stressful. On top of that, our grandchildren have been moved to the coast, about 2 hours away so it is not as easy to get to them as it was when we first moved here and therefore the purpose of coming here, to be able to see them, is much more difficult.

So what am I to do. Should I get cynical and blame God for the countries economic predicament? Well He is at the root of the cause if I understand the psalmist's point. But that is the very concept that becomes the emotional solution for me. If God is in control of all of this, and I believe He is, then while I am doing all that I can to find work and provide for my family, I can also find peace because I know that whatever happens, will be within God's will for me and I will rest in that knowledge. Things may not be what I want them to be but they will be what He wants and that is much more important. Since I am in the middle of this circumstance it will be an opportunity for all of us to see what God does. I will try to be as honest as I can and I am praying that something will come along that will provide a more secure feeling about the future. However, this I do know! God is in control. For better, or worse, He is still fulfilling the design of my life that was laid out before I was born. Whether I am raised up or put down is for Him to decide. I have already had a career that I would not trade for anything. Many of you who read these devos have made my life as rich as it could possibly have been and for that I thank God. Now I am walking with Him on a much more insecure road and it is necessary for my faith to be stronger than ever. I trust that it is.

May God bless you as you walk with Him. Read the verse for today and the others in this Psalm and let God bless you with those words.


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read:

QUICK QUESTION: What is the best thing about your life for which you want to thank God?

  1. How did God describe David?

  2. How did David feel about God?

  3. What does these verses tell you about God?

  4. What do these verses teach you about God? About yourself?

  5. What part of your life do you want God to exert control?

REFLECTION: What kind of things could you do to give thanks to God for His many blessings?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Vol 3 No 15 THEO'S DEVOS

Psalm 25:4 Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD;

point out the right road for me to follow.

Ok so my devo today is probably not a perfect reflection of today's verse but it does have a relationship so please give me grace. Thanks!!

I was interested in the word 'walk' because I have been thinking of a time when the young people in our youth ministry called His House took a dramatic walk, and, I am convinced, fulfilled the intent of these verses. Oh and forgive me if I shared this before, I believe it bears repeating.

During our ministry, a few of the young people decided that they would like to have devotions together in the morning, before school, so they sat at a table in the cafeteria and did just that. Well, some other of our students saw them and joined in. Eventually there were several tables and a person at each one who would lead the devotional and then they would pray.

While this was going on the school would play music over the loud speakers and it became annoying to those at the tables, so a request was made to have the music turned off in the cafeteria before school. They told the administration that there were 'fellowship' groups meeting. That was, apparently, politically correct at the time. So the music was turned off and the fun began.

The students who were responsible for the music got angry that someone would not want to hear their wonderful music and complained to the administration, creating a small hullabaloo. One morning, as the students were gathering, an announcement was heard over the speakers: “Would the student in charge of the 'fellowship' groups in the cafeteria please come to the principles office.” Well, technically, there was no one in charge but one of the students decided that it was his role to face the principle and he got up and headed toward the office. The other students, seeing his courage, stood and followed along. As they walked down the hall, other students were coming in from the buses, saw their friends, asked what was happening and joined in. By the time they got to the office there were a couple dozen students at least.

Now it is important to know how the office was configured. There was a large window between the office and the hall. Inside the office there was a counter and on the other side of the counter, a place for the secretary to work. Behind her was a wall and behind the wall was the office where the principle worked. The student entered the office leaving his friends in the hall. The secretary looked at the student and then, over his shoulder looked through the window and saw the hall filled with the best and brightest students in the school. She turned, went into the office behind her and returned with the principle in tow. “Are they the students from the cafeteria fellowship\groups?” the principle asked the student? “Yes” was the reply. “Thank you for coming. There won't be a problem son.” And from that day on, the music stayed off and Christian young people who walked for God, took a stand and, without saying a word, cleared the way for other young people to have devotions before school. A peaceful request and the power of God.

May God bless you as you walk for Him. I pray that your day is filled with the blessing of God.


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read:

QUICK QUESTION: Give some exanples of things in life that are not faie?

  1. Why, do you suppose, was this psalm written?

  2. What did David ask the Lord?

  3. Why do you think David was praying?

  4. What did David want?

  5. Do you have troubles today? Can you share some with the group?

  6. In what way do you think your relationship with God could be stronger?

  7. Why do you believe you can trust God?

REFLECTION: How could you show your trust in God this week and how can the group help you? Only share if you want to.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Source of Strength

Vol 3 No 14 THEO'S DEVOS

Psalm 84:5a Happy are those who are strong in the LORD,...

I love this verse. Well I love all the verses but this one, even though it is really the first half, has a dramatic impact on my mind. As most of you know, for most of my life, I was in a pastoral position, either as an associate or senior pastor. They were challenging years and those spent as a youth pastor were the best of my life. I can't explain how blessed I have been to work with High School and Junior High School students. If you were one of them, and many of you were, thank you for coming to the ministry and thank you for the impact you had on me. OK so I have digressed. I am supposed to be reflecting on our verse for today. Well I brought ministry to mind because for about 18 years, I had people asking me what was the reason for the success of our ministry called His House.

I was never exactly sure what to say because I knew that they were looking for some practical thing that we were doing that set us apart from the other youth ministries in the area. There were so many things that could have been said, that it almost wasn't a good idea to get into them or we would have been talking all day and all night. What I finally concluded was that our strength of ministry was in the Lord. We were faithful to Him. We declared His gospel every week and saw young people come to faith in Christ almost every week. We had no real strength. We were just like all the other youth ministries, run by great guys. We were blessed, that is really the bottom line.

I remember times of difficulty, you can be sure of that, and I remember spending hours in prayer over one or more of the students there. I remember someone reminding me of the power of prayer and I have referred to that myself. However, as I look at this verse today I am constrained to say that there really is no power in prayer. OK please keep reading an don't tune me out. Consider this: the only power that exists is in the Lord and nowhere else. It is not the power or prayer that accomplishes anything. It is the power of God that does. We have no magic power in the words that we pray. We cannot demand, bargain, barter, plead, promise, cajole or anything else in order to get God to do what we want. We lay our praise and petitions at His feet and then He does what He knows is the best for His plan which, in turn, is the best for us and everyone else. When He then acts, we observe and learn more about His ways and desires which then have to opportunity to become our ways and desires. As our ways and our desires, become more closely entwined with His, our prayers appear to become more powerful but, in fact, remain as powerless as ever. It is the target of our prayer, the all powerful God, that holds the power.

Why is this so important? Because there will be times when you don't feel like praying. Times when you may think that if you pray a certain prayer you will be hypocritical. You may think 'what's the use?' Well when those feelings fall on you, and they will, just remember that the power needed to answer prayer does not come from you: how you feel, what you think or how difficult the situation is. Your strength is in the Lord and, when you finally understand that fully, you will find the happiness that you have been looking for because you will be able to rest, relax and let God be God. Let Him take the corrective steps that will straighten out any difficulty.

Do you have something that you have been wrestling with? Stop. Stop wrestling. Talk to God. Give it to Him and find rest. No matter what happens please remember that He will answer you prayer the second you say Amen. It might be yes, it might be No or it might be wait but it will always be right.

May He bless you today and thanks for subscribing to Theos Devos. Do you know someone who might like to receive these devos? Please ask them to drop a note to and simply say: subscribe to Theos Devos and they will begin receiving them the next week. Always free and always confidential. Do you have a prayer request? Please simply respond to this email and share the request and I will be sure to pray for you.


Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)

Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You


Please Read: Psalm 84:1-12

QUICK QUESTION: Apart from people, what is the one thing you like the best?

  1. What lesson from life did this Psalmist miss?

  2. Why did this writer want to return to God's house?

  3. What did this Psalmist think about the temple?

  4. What did the Psalmist finally conclude?

  5. Do you ever feel like not going to a church meeting? If so, why?

REFLECTION: How can you prepare yourself for worship this week?