Psalm 20:2 May he send you help from his sanctuary
As we have seen before, the concept of 'sanctuary' is a very important one to grasp and one that has been lost over the years. There was a time when churches were considered sanctuaries and you were literally safe, even from the law, if you could make it inside one. Today, unfortunately, many of our churches are not safe; even for members from other members and the church itself. Sunday can be a dangerous day for those who go to church but are not prepared to fit in. Admittedly things have gotten lots better from when I was young and the church had something to say about just about everything we did or how we dressed. The problem is not all the churches fault of course. The way the world plays with sin makes it difficult for the church to stand against sin and still make everyone feel comfortable, something it is not called to do.
However, the real problem is that we still look to the church building for sanctuary and miss the point of scripture. In the Old Testament the sanctuary was a place and you went into the sanctuary to find safety and God. In the New Testament things have dramatically changed. For those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their bodies have become the sanctuary of God. He lives in you and no longer does He live in buildings made of concrete and steel. However, there is another place where God lives. He lives in the words of scripture. He enlivens them and transforms them into more than a mere book or words on a printed page. It is from this haven that David says our help comes from. When we combine our bodies and mind with the scriptures by reading, studying and meditating on them, we bring ourselves into a sanctuary from which help can come.
Unfortunately, when we neglect the scriptures and expect that God will fill our minds with much needed help, we may be very disappointed. God has given us the Bible for a purpose. It leads you to God, it shines a light on the path we should walk, it corrects us when we stray from the path and it gives us instructions on how to stay on the path. Without the scriptures we would have no idea how to get to God or how to serve Him.
Today, we need help. I don't think anyone would deny that. From our individual lives to the halls of Congress we need help from someone or somewhere. Now the Bible is not going to tell us how to solve the mess that we are in specifically but it does give us principles to follow that, had we been following them, we could have avoided the mess in the first place. We continue to think that we can solve all of our problems on our own and that we, in our human minds, have the resources to overcome anything. This has never been true and history is the story of humans trying to solve their own problems only to see them go from bad to worse. Oh, sometimes they get better for a season but then we slip right back into the same problems again. It can be so bad that countries have fallen and economies have collapsed because men, and women, have neglected the teaching of God in His word.
Remember that all you see is not all there is. We live, surrounded by a spiritual world. When Jesus was in the Garden and prayed, an angel appeared to him. That angel was there all the time but appeared to Jesus in order to let us know the truth of the first sentence in this paragraph. We can see into that spiritual world through the pages of the Bible and it is from that world our help will come. When you read the Bible, you touch that world and, when you follow the teachings of the Bible, and pray to the God of the Bible, help is on the way. Let's be sure to stay close to God by reading His word and following His guidance. That will be a key to our survival, not only on a personal level but for our country as well. More than ever, we need God in our lives.
May He bless you today as you follow Him.
Dear Small Group Leader (or soon to be Facilitator)
Please allow everyone in your group to answer the Quick Question. It will get things started on the right foot, encouraging quieter ones to open up. Please do not require everyone to answer every question. They may not be ready to share yet. Also please allow at least 5-10 minutes at the end of your study so as many as would like to can respond to the REFLECTION question. This may be the most important time in your small group study. Thank You
Please Read: Psalm 20:1-9
QUICK QUESTION: When you are about to face a challenge, how do you prepare?
How was the King in a hard place?
What was the response of the people?
What can you learn about God from these verses?
What is the best way to get ready for challenges?
When is the best time to pray for help in challenges?
REFLECTION: Does anyone in your group face a challenge this week? Could you take a few minutes to pray for that/those challenges today?