Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spare His Life

Vol 2 No 44 THEO'S DEVOS

Job 2:4-6 Satan replied to the LORD, “Skin for skin—he blesses you only because you bless him. A man will give up everything he has to save his life. 5But take away his health, and he will surely curse you to your face!”

6“All right, do with him as you please,” the LORD said to Satan. “But spare his life.”

I have always been fascinated by the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible. It amazes me that a nomad, riding on a camel, in the middle of the desert would write such mind blowing words. It is one of the proofs that scripture was not written by man but by God. Some of the statements written therein would have been impossible for a human to write and we will look at them at another time. For now let us take comfort in this amazing passage. To put these words in their context, something I always do, you need to read Job 2:1-8. We have looked at this before. It is the awesome confrontation between Satan and God where God makes a divine wager, a bet, with Satan and one human is the target with many others suffering collateral damage.

You know the story. It is one of the most well known in the Holy Book. The aspect of this story that I am interested in has comforted me throughout my life. It is a statement about the sovreignty of God that has made some people think that I knew no fear at times. I have always been thanful to God for these verses. They have brought me great courage and I hope they do you as well. What I am going to write here does not mean that we will be safe from danger. Far from it. But, in the middle of danger, we will find the courage that we need in order to face anything. It is where the martrys of old got the strength to face lions in an ampetheater and go to their death as a testimony to God. It is where missionaries have gotten the boldness to serve God under any and all circumstances. It is where you will find the courage to live your life no matter what gets thrown at you.

Satan wanted to go after Job. He hated Job as he hates all who worship the true God. When Saten says “But take away his health.” he is asking to for access to Job himself. Not just his possessions but his humanity. Up until now God has allowed Satan to take things away from Job that meant everything to him. But now God is allowing Job to move in closer. To attack him physically. “All right, do with him as you please,” Now those are harsh words but there is something extremely important about them. God goes on to say “But spare his life.” Let's think about this for a minute.

We already know that there is a war going on behind the physical scene. This story is at the heart of that war. We also know that humnakind is the battlefield and that there are two classes of humans in the war. Those who trust God and those who do not. Those who trust God have shown it by accepting the truth about Jesus and have accepted Him as their personal savior. Those who do not may say that they do all day long, but prove that they do not by rejecting the offer of salvation that God has provided. We see in these verses that even Satan must bow to God's sovreignty and cannot do whatever he wants. This tell us that when things happen, they must pass through the sovreign will of God whether by His decision or permission. Either way it is by His divine plan that things happen and not simply happenstance.

When I was in the US Army Security Agency, I worked for the National Security Agency and had no idea, at the time, just how secrective that organization was. It hasn't been until the last several years that their activities have come to light. When I think about how people argue over politics these days I often have to smile because I know how little we really know about what is going on behind the scenes. What I do know is that the US government is not in as control as it thinks it is and qutie often our plans do not work out like we thought they would. This is why we can only guess about the final outcome in Iraq or what the Wall Street bailout will accomplish. We humans are simply not in control but God is. He knows the end from the begginning. He is the sovreign Lord and we can trust Him.

Since nothing happens without His knowledge, and permission, we can know that if we place our faith in Him all will work out as He plans and that will, in the end, be the best. Remember what I wrote in the begginning of this devo. ' What I am going to write here does not mean that we will be safe from danger.' No we may face danger and we may be hurt or even die but after everything has been said and done, we will find that we have had the awesome opportunity to be a part of God's plan and, as I have said so many times before: you will only be in heaven for less than a minute and all of this will fade away into obscurity. You will never regret serving God and, in fact, you can know that nothing threatens you unless it gets His permission and, if it does, you can face it without fear.

What are you afraid of today? Are you honestly trusting God? If you are'nt then you have a right to be afraid. Fearing God is a healthy thing and I don't mean having an awe of Him. I mean being afraid. His is not a God to mess with. He let His son die for you. But if you do trust Him then have no fear. He is in control. Even Satan has to answer to Him. You are in good hands with God.

May He bless you today. He loves you and so do I . I am asking Him to give you a blessing. Let me know if I can pray for you in any way.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Vol 2 No 43 THEO'S DEVOS

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

There is a common misconception in this world that going to heaven depends on our 'good works.' That, when we die, God puts everything we have done on some kind of balance beam and if our good works outweigh our bad works we get in but, if not, we stay out. Notice that our verse today places an importance on good works but it puts them in their proper place. If going to heaven was dependent on our good works, how many works would that be? Could we ever know how we stood before Him. Now many would tell us that you cannot know but John tells us, in his first letter, that 'I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13. John clearly places the issue on where our faith is and not on works.

But what about works. Surely they have an important place in the life of a Christian. Our verse tells us that good works are the result of saving faith. That saving faith produces these good works. It is in this light that Paul calls us 'His masterpiece.' He does that because the word workmanship is a word poem. God is putting Himself on display through the lives of Christians. We are His workmanship, His poem of wonder before a lost and dying world. A masterpiece also brings to mind a painting. God is painting a masterpiece in order to show how wonderful He is. It is our good works that should be that display; Our compassion, love, devotion and kindness, among many other descriptive words, displays His incredible character and love.

And notice something very important here. He has 'planned these things for us a long time ago.' If you look carefully, you will find many times in your life when opportunities for these kind of good works are laid before you in such a way that you almost trip over them. We do not always take advantage of them but they are there nonetheless. Every time there is an opportunity to serve in some way: in the church or community, we have a chance to demonstrate good works. We can, in the name of Jesus, do good things for others. Senseless acts of beauty and random acts of kindness display parts of the masterpiece that God is revealing to the world.

I have seen missionaries all over the world give their lives to demonstrate God's love. I was amazed at the dedication I saw while visiting India. People from other cultures gave up all they had to go and live with the people of Calcutta, and other Indian cities, because they wanted to show the love of God to those who lived there. We have not been as good at this as we could have. Sin in our lives gets in the way, to be sure, but sin does not stop us from doing our part. We are His masterpiece and we must live like that.

Do you look for those times when you can show your appreciation for what God has done in your life by performing good works in His name. If you pay attention, you will see lots of them. They have been planned for you for a long time. They lie in wait for you to act. God walks by your side to encourage you in this direction. It is the reason you live. To be the expression of Jesus to those around you and to share His love by telling them about the good news of the gospel.

My prayer for you is that you discover more and more times to display God's good works today, tomorrow and the next day for as long as you live. May God bless you.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

God Is Enough

Vol 2 No 41 THEO'S DEVOS

Genesis 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; serve me faithfully and live a blameless life.”

I don't know about you but I have come to a conclusion about my life. I have not always made the best decisions and have a hard time trusting my instincts. Now many of you may not have that problem but I would bet that most of you would admit that all of your decisions in life have not been the best. It is those times when you have made a less than the best decision that you wish you could go back and get a second shot. That is the problem with being human. We rarely have all the information we need when making life decisions but they have to be made anyway. Someone in the marital counseling field made quoted an unhappily married woman: “I married an ideal, I got an ordeal and now I want a new deal.” There are way too many people who feel that way but marriage is just one of the decisions that have to be made before we know exactly what we are getting into.

Abram had learned that by the time this verse was written. He knew that he was not the best at making decisions when God spoke to him and revealed an important aspect belonging to God alone. He told Abram that He was “ God Almighty.” El Shaddai which means: 'the God who is sufficient.' What that boils down to is that God is enough. You really don't need anything more when you have God. God is sufficient in all areas of your life but you may not have been living as though that were the truth. You may have been making decisions, for instance, without even consulting Him. This is one of our major malfunctions. We say we are Christians. We believe all the right things but we often live as though we were atheists. We live as though God had no real interest in us and must not think that He acts in our lives. So why pray? Why include God? Isn't that sort of like talking to ourselves? Well Abram may have lived like that for some time but by the time Genesis 17 was written he was ready to learn a crucial fact about his God.

This is the kind of thing that the Bible can teach us and that we need to learn as soon as possible. The Pennsylvania dutch say that we are “Too soon old and too late smart.” That is true across the board but it is tragic in the life of a Christian. Wouldn't it have been great if we all had put to practice things we learned from the Bible the minute we learned them? Well it isn't too late as long as you are breathing. Understand that God has given you a mind and wants you to use it but He doesn't want you to trust it without considering Him and His plan for your life. God is sufficient for you. He is enough. You can trust Him and you will never regret talking to Him and following His guidance. He wants the best for you and you have not always given the best to yourself.

So what happens when you finally realize that God is enough for your life. You will serve Him faithfully and you will live a blameless life. Does that mean that you will be perfect? Well that would be nice but it isn't going to happen as long as you are alive. John tells us that 'if we say we are without sin, we are lying.' So what does it mean then? The base meaning of the word blameless, or perfect as some translations put it, is 'wholehearted.' Live wholeheartedly. Put you whole heart into what you are doing. Don't live a half hearted life. Whatever you do, do it all out. Oftentimes sin creeps in when we are living as though our lives don't mean much so it doesn't matter how we live. This is not true. Our lives have meaning that impacts eternity. What you do in this life has an effect on eternity. You are being prepared for an eternal life with God. Live each day as though it counted for something beyond yourself. Serve a greater goal than the mundane. Walk with God and let Him be your guide.

El Shaddai walks with you. Every day. All the time. He loves you. He will never let you down. He cares about your life and loves it when you talk to Him. May you be greatly blessed by the All Sufficient One today. I am praying for you to that extent. God bless you.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In The Beginning

Vol 2 No 40 THEO'S DEVO

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

We have visited this verse before and I am happy to look at it again because it points out a very important aspect of God's Word. You can examine verses in the Bible over and over again and rarely exhaust the concepts that God is communicating to us. There is so much in these words that we may look at it several times more in the months to come. Follow me as we look a little closer.

Have you ever wondered what this was all about. You look out at the stars and you look through a microscope and the question has to be asked: Why? Where did all of this come from and is there a rational explanation for this creation or accident as some scientists seem to think that it is. If you have ever wondered about these thing you are not alone. All of us would like to know what in the world is going on and why.

Scientists have been trying to understand how all of this happened. How old is the world and how did it come about. Is there some grand design with a designer behind it all or did it just happen by happenstance. “Once upon a time there was nothing at all, and then it exploded.” Or so we are told. This may not make sense to you but, if there is no God then maybe that is how it was.

But these verses assert that there was a God and that He is the explanation for the questions we ask. “In the beginning...” The important part of this verse is that of all the scientists trying to wrestle with the beginning one thing is certain. None of them were there and therefore cannot express any view based on observation. That is important because for something to involve science, it must include observation. Without that, the discussion is outside science. These verses are so clear that they can be understood by anyone. You may not believe them but they clarify the concept of 'beginning.'

Search out other explanations for the beginning of the world and see if this isn't the simplest and clearest of them all. The Bible goes on to explain other things about this creation but it is not a science book. 'God created.' Once upon a time there was God and God alone. He spoke and all that is came into existence. This is a line of demarcation in the world. You can eliminate God if you wish but if you do, nothing will make much sense. C.S. Lewis said that “I do not believe in light because I see light. I believe in light because it by it I see everything else.” So it is with God. Belief in Him opens up all p;possibilities and knowing Him brings life eternal.

Thank God for His wonderful gift of life. Talk to Him today.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Armor?

Vol 2 No 38 THEO'S DEVOS

Eph 610-12 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

As often as I have read these verses I am struck by on very important fact that seems to elude many Christians. Why do we need this armor? Whatever it is, why do we need it? When I became Christian and the Holy Spirit came to live in me, wasn't that enough? Shouldn't life just ease up and my need to deal with problems just diminish. When I hear Christians complain about life it seems as though they are surprised that they should have to deal with problems like everyone else. Rather than think that life will come at us without problems we probably ought to wonder why we don't have more.

It was just a couple weeks ago when we saw hurricane Ike hit our southern border with a vengeance. The suffering is nowhere near over and the loss of life is just now being discovered. When I saw the pictures of the devastation and heard about the teams of people that were being sent out by University Baptist Church and others like them it helped put the back pain that I live with in perspective. When I have a hard time sleeping at night I have to be thankful that I can go into the other room and sit up for a while. I should not take the other room for granted. Some of my friends (and some are reading this) cannot get into their homes and a couple do not have a home to go home to.

But in all of this we are told that the real struggle is not against flesh and blood. It is not against other people who let you down, and they will. It is against powers of the dark world and spiritual forces. Behind the difficulties that you face is a spiritual war that rages. It breaks out in your life and mine and it causes us to think that the target of our pain should be some other person when, if fact, those other people are victims of the struggle as well.

If we understand these verses properly we will be less inclined to take out our frustration on people and spend more time wrestling with God in prayer. That is where the spiritual war is waged, not in your home or street. It is waged in spiritual places and prayer is our major weapon. Time spent in prayer can help you focus more clearly on what is really going on and will help you maintain your relationships without tearing them apart.

We are called to be strong in the Lord. Please don't be surprised when things don't go the way you think that they should. Don't be hurt when someone lets you down (easier said then done I know). Spend more time with God. Tell Him about your troubles and trials. I would bet that some of us who are hurting right now will admit that we do not spend as much time in prayer with God as we should; if we spend any time at all. Prayer will build your faith. Prayer will help you unload some of those hurtful feelings that you carry around. Believe me, I know. People let all of us down at some time or other. Love them anyway. They won't always respond to you the way you want them too. Love them anyway. Let God worry about even the score and you just learn to love as best as you can.

My prayer for you this week is that you would get strong enough to deal with whatever problem you are wrestling with right now. If it is a major catastrophe like Ike so be it. If it is a lesser one that feels huge deal with it. Trust that God is in control. If you need prayer, let me know. I am ready and willing to uphold you in that way. Let's move into the future together.

May He fill you with His grace today and draw you into His arms. You are loved no matter how you feel.
