Vol 2 No 44 THEO'S DEVOS
Job 2:4-6 Satan replied to the LORD, “Skin for skin—he blesses you only because you bless him. A man will give up everything he has to save his life. 5But take away his health, and he will surely curse you to your face!”
6“All right, do with him as you please,” the LORD said to Satan. “But spare his life.”
I have always been fascinated by the book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible. It amazes me that a nomad, riding on a camel, in the middle of the desert would write such mind blowing words. It is one of the proofs that scripture was not written by man but by God. Some of the statements written therein would have been impossible for a human to write and we will look at them at another time. For now let us take comfort in this amazing passage. To put these words in their context, something I always do, you need to read Job 2:1-8. We have looked at this before. It is the awesome confrontation between Satan and God where God makes a divine wager, a bet, with Satan and one human is the target with many others suffering collateral damage.
You know the story. It is one of the most well known in the Holy Book. The aspect of this story that I am interested in has comforted me throughout my life. It is a statement about the sovreignty of God that has made some people think that I knew no fear at times. I have always been thanful to God for these verses. They have brought me great courage and I hope they do you as well. What I am going to write here does not mean that we will be safe from danger. Far from it. But, in the middle of danger, we will find the courage that we need in order to face anything. It is where the martrys of old got the strength to face lions in an ampetheater and go to their death as a testimony to God. It is where missionaries have gotten the boldness to serve God under any and all circumstances. It is where you will find the courage to live your life no matter what gets thrown at you.
Satan wanted to go after Job. He hated Job as he hates all who worship the true God. When Saten says “But take away his health.” he is asking to for access to Job himself. Not just his possessions but his humanity. Up until now God has allowed Satan to take things away from Job that meant everything to him. But now God is allowing Job to move in closer. To attack him physically. “All right, do with him as you please,” Now those are harsh words but there is something extremely important about them. God goes on to say “But spare his life.” Let's think about this for a minute.
We already know that there is a war going on behind the physical scene. This story is at the heart of that war. We also know that humnakind is the battlefield and that there are two classes of humans in the war. Those who trust God and those who do not. Those who trust God have shown it by accepting the truth about Jesus and have accepted Him as their personal savior. Those who do not may say that they do all day long, but prove that they do not by rejecting the offer of salvation that God has provided. We see in these verses that even Satan must bow to God's sovreignty and cannot do whatever he wants. This tell us that when things happen, they must pass through the sovreign will of God whether by His decision or permission. Either way it is by His divine plan that things happen and not simply happenstance.
When I was in the US Army Security Agency, I worked for the National Security Agency and had no idea, at the time, just how secrective that organization was. It hasn't been until the last several years that their activities have come to light. When I think about how people argue over politics these days I often have to smile because I know how little we really know about what is going on behind the scenes. What I do know is that the US government is not in as control as it thinks it is and qutie often our plans do not work out like we thought they would. This is why we can only guess about the final outcome in Iraq or what the Wall Street bailout will accomplish. We humans are simply not in control but God is. He knows the end from the begginning. He is the sovreign Lord and we can trust Him.
Since nothing happens without His knowledge, and permission, we can know that if we place our faith in Him all will work out as He plans and that will, in the end, be the best. Remember what I wrote in the begginning of this devo. ' What I am going to write here does not mean that we will be safe from danger.' No we may face danger and we may be hurt or even die but after everything has been said and done, we will find that we have had the awesome opportunity to be a part of God's plan and, as I have said so many times before: you will only be in heaven for less than a minute and all of this will fade away into obscurity. You will never regret serving God and, in fact, you can know that nothing threatens you unless it gets His permission and, if it does, you can face it without fear.
What are you afraid of today? Are you honestly trusting God? If you are'nt then you have a right to be afraid. Fearing God is a healthy thing and I don't mean having an awe of Him. I mean being afraid. His is not a God to mess with. He let His son die for you. But if you do trust Him then have no fear. He is in control. Even Satan has to answer to Him. You are in good hands with God.
May He bless you today. He loves you and so do I . I am asking Him to give you a blessing. Let me know if I can pray for you in any way.