Monday, March 31, 2008

Theo's Devos 13 - Are You Confident?

Vol 2 No 13 THEO'S DEVOS 040608

TITLE: Are You Confident?

Psalm 118:8-9 It is better to trust the LORD

than to put confidence in people.

9 It is better to trust the LORD

than to put confidence in princes.

In the news recently and for the next several months we have been seeing at least three heavy hitters vying for position as the next President of the United States of America. Now I believe that this election will be extremely important on several levels but there is one thing that concerns me. I hear people talkng, and arguing, about the presidency, as if our future hangs on the election. I understand that, to some extent, they are right but also know that God is still in control and our verses for today tell us that trusting God is far more important than trusting in people or even princes.

Have you ever put your condidence in a person only to have them let you down? I have. I have known people who act one way around one crowd and another way with their other friends and want everyone to believe that they are showing their real personality. Now people can be really good at putting up a false front not realizing that being deceitful like that can hurt everyone in the end. The reason we do that is because we want people to like us and so we act the way we think they would like us to and thereby win their love.

The reason we can have confidence in God is because He knows us just as we are and loves us anyway. Our actions will never surprise Him. When we trust in the Lord the outcome of that trust does not rest in who or what we are, but in who He is. God loves us. He is absolutely sovreign. He always does what is best for us. He is all powerful. When you put all of His attributees together they tell us that He is the one person we can trust and the one Person who is strong enough to do what ever needs to be done in any situation.

I happen to know some details about many of you.You have confided those things with me. I have been praying for you. I also know that my prayers are always answered as soon as I say Amen. I might not like the answer but I know that, whatever it is, it is the best for me and everyone else involved. Some of you have serious events that are about to happen even this week. I have one myself and it is thrilling to know that the Almighty God is working behind the scenes to control the circumstances so that we can have confidence in the outcome.

So no matter what is happening or has happened in your life; whether a tragedy or an important meeting of some kind has, or is about to happen, we, that is you and I, can place our trust in the Lord to guide and empower so that the outcome, no matter what it is, will be the best even if it hurts. God has not brought you this far to abandon you. He is right there with you, by your side to love and encourage you. He may use things like Theo's Devos to accomplish that encouragement but it will come and you will be within His circle of protection at all times. Keep your head up. Count on God, not on other people, or even princes, and you will find the strenght to handle any life situation that comes along. If some person lets you down please don't act surprised. God has already prepared you for that possibility and you should not be blindsided by it. Remember that even when that happens, God is still there to help you and get you back on your feet.

May He bless you beyond measure in some way this week.


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